
This is a C program that accurately simulates the PDP-11 computer’s assembly language, complete with virtual memory, CPU registers, and a caching system. Input and output are performed through the command line or through files. A brief tour of the PDP-11, the most influential minicomputer of all time |  Ars Technica

Instruction Set:

The PDP-11 instruction set contains 12 basic operations to be performed on memory addresses. Operands are represented by 16-bit words, with the leftmost bits containing the opcode and the rightmost bits containing source, destination, and register addresses. In addition, many other operands are supported, allowing for a wide variety of operations to be performed.


The PDP-11 architecture is a 16-bit instruction set architecture developed by Digital Equipment Corporation for use with PDP-11 computers. It was widely used in the 1970s, but grew less popular in the 1980s and afterwards.

  • Memory

Memory is represented by 16-bit words in little-endian format. The smallest addressable unit of memory is 8 bits. Registers R0-R7 can each store one word, which points to a location in the computer’s 64KB of memory. Low memory addresses are reserved for two-word vectors that serve as places to store the program counter and processor status.

  • CPU Registers

The PDP-11 contains eight general-purpose 16-bit registers (R0-R7). Register R7 stores the program counter. Other registers have common but not universal use cases.

  • Addressing Modes

The PDP-11 computer uses eight “addressing modes”. Each addressing mode alters the operation of the registers as shown in the following chart.

0nRegisterRnThe operand is in Rn.
1nRegister deferred(Rn)Rn contains the address of the operand.
2nAutoincrement(Rn)+Rn contains the address of the operand, then increment Rn.
3nAutoincrement deferred@(Rn)+Rn contains the address of the address of the operand, then increment Rn by 2.
4nAutodecrement-(Rn)Decrement Rn, then use the result as the address of the operand.
5nAutodecrement deferred@-(Rn)Decrement Rn by 2, then use the result as the address of the address of the operand.
6nIndexX(Rn)Rn+X is the address of the operand.
7nIndex deferred@X(Rn)Rn+X is the address of the address of the operand.

The Program Counter has four addressing modes, and the Stack has 6 addressing modes, both of which alter the operation of the system in their own way.

Code Breakdown:

  • Memory addresses are stored in the following structure:

    • int mode stores the operating mode.

    • int reg stores the register on which the operation is being performed.

    • int addr stores addresses relevant to modes 1-7.

    • int value stores a relevant value.

/* struct to help organize source and destination operand handling */
typedef struct ap {
    int mode;
    int reg;
    int addr; /* used only for modes 1-7 */
    int value;
} addr_phrase_t;
  • The following global variables are defined:

    • uint16_t memory[MEMSIZE] represents the simulated global memory, segregated into 16-bit chunks. MEMSIZE is a predefined variable that determines the amount of memory available to the system.

    • uint16_t reg[8] represents the 8 CPU registers, each capable of storing one 16-bit word.

    • bool n, z, v, c are single-bit condition codes used to indicate the status of the system.

    • All other global variables are used for statistics purposes and do not affect the operation of the system.

// Global variables
uint16_t memory[MEMSIZE]; // 16-bit memory
uint16_t reg[8] = {0}; // R0-R7
bool n, z, v, c; // Condition codes

addr_phrase_t src, dst; // Source and destination address phrases

bool running; // Flag to indicate if the program is running
bool trace = false;
bool verbose = false;
int memory_reads = 0;
int memory_writes = 0;
int inst_fetches = 0;
int inst_execs = 0;
int branch_taken = 0;
int branch_execs = 0;
  • The following functions are defined:

    • operate() takes a 16-bit instruction as its input, interprets it, and performs the corresponding action.

    • get_operand(), update_operand(), and put_operand() all modify the operand.

    • pstats() and pregs() are defined for development purposes - they print statistics and the values of the registers, respectively.

    • The full code for each of these functions can be seen in the project’s GitHub Repository

// Function prototypes
void operate(uint16_t instruction);
void get_operand(addr_phrase_t *phrase);
void update_operand(addr_phrase_t *phrase);
void put_operand(addr_phrase_t *phrase);
void add(uint16_t operand);
void asl(uint16_t operand);
void asr(uint16_t operand);
void beq(uint16_t operand);
void bne(uint16_t operand);
void br(uint16_t operand);
void cmp(uint16_t operand);
void halt(uint16_t operand);
void mov(uint16_t operand);
void sob(uint16_t operand);
void sub(uint16_t operand);
void pstats();
void pregs();