This is my first page! I intend to use journals (pages titled with a date) as working spaces. All actual content should be on its own page.

Things to note when working on this site:

  • Logseq-schrodinger uses YAML for the Hugo front-matter. It will convert Logseq page-properties to Hugo front matter.

  • Logseq keywords are lowercase converted to Hugo keywords, and category in Logseq is translated to categories for use with Hugo. Logseq links ([[like_this]]) are stripped of [[ and ]].

  • All other keywords are just converted to Hugo keywords.

  • For now you must add date with the posts date in the form of “2012-04-06” to your Logseq page-properties.

  • Example - date:: 2012-04-06

I need a part of this graph that I can use to put structural data.

I would also like a place to remind myself how to deploy.

Templates, too.